We are a Community for a New Evolution of Men
We are physically and mentally strong. We have the discipline to resist negativity. We have the drive to conquer both internal and external obstacles. We are courageous and express love freely and openly.
We embrace the tested wisdom of our ancestors as well as the wisdom yet to be discovered. We strive to remain level headed and approach obstacles with a pragmatic strategy. We are not fixed to any ideology or dogma. We are mentally adaptable and resilient.
We are a collection of like minded yet unique individuals. We encourage all men to connect with and share their true selves. We provide support for our brothers in creating an abundant life that aligns with our passions and calling. We have each others backs.
Hi, I’m Rob.
If you’ve made it this far, we probably have a lot in common. Among other things, you probably feel alone. Or perhaps stuck. Maybe you feel like your chances for the life of your dreams are slipping through your fingers.
I feel all of those things at times. That’s why I made this community, for men like us - men who aspire to greatness but haven’t quite made it there yet.
It’s hard to be a man today. Nobody really cares about a man who isn’t rich or famous. But the path to glory isn’t easy. There are many pitfalls along the way. The path to success is a long trek through the wilderness, often with no end in sight.
Many men lose themselves before they make it to the destination. They sell out, sacrifice their dreams to please others, settle for mediocrity, numb themselves with distractions, or succumb to despair. We walk this road alone, too proud to ask for help or admit our struggles. We hide our true selves for fear of looking weak.
But, it doesn’t need to be this way.
You’ve found a place where you can find support and like-minded friends who will lift you up, not drag you down. We ask for no money from you.
I am not some fake “guru”. That’s not why I’m here. I’m here to build a brotherhood. I’m here to start a movement. I’m here because I care.
All I ask is that you make a noble effort to return to the group the energy you receive.
A New Fraternal Order
Throughout the millennia of human existence, men have found strength in fraternal orders of warriors and scholars. These orders were places where men supported each other, collaborated, and transmitted wisdom, knowledge, and strength. You may have heard of such orders - the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, the Stone Masons, Skull and Bones, etc. Those orders created men who were some of the most powerful of their time.
But those orders were also flawed. They often brought great suffering upon the world - and the great power they wielded was often a corrupting force. We aim to create a new order for the modern era.
Within this new order we seek to redefine of what it means to live in strong healthy masculinity. This new masculinity is one that is more flexible and allows men to be themselves yet still belong to a greater whole instead of shaping themselves to fit someone else’s definition of what it means to be a man.
The odds are stacked against us. Most people you meet don’t want to see you succeed. Most people are weak and will consciously or subconsciously do everything they can to maintain an illusion of superiority over someone else. Most women want to control you. Most men don’t want to see another man surpassing them.
We need all the true friends and allies we can get. Alone, we are weak. Together, we are strong. If going it alone was working for you, then you wouldn’t be here. It’s time to try something new.
Will you join us?